
Monday, June 30, 2003

Well, I just returned from the Creation Festival East and I have to tell you something, God used it to show me some areas where I need real growth. What do I mean? Well here goes. They had to move the festival due to excessive rain in prior weeks from Agape Farm to Hershey Park. There were some logistical problems. We were about a 15 minute walk from the showers and one of the two venues. The borough of Hershey decided that we were not allowed to cross one of the streets and now the alternative was a two mile walk. This caused me to grumble. Then they brough in busses to shuttle us around. That was better on my feet but unfortunately there were lines as long as an hour to get on them while I could see the venue from where I stood but could not go there because I wasn't allowed to cross the street. This caused even more grumbling. One night a lovely young woman sat next to me on the bus and asked for a garbage bag. (Please keep in mind we had not yet left the bus stop, the door on the bus was open, and she was in the front seat.) I figured she wanted to throw a soda bottle away but no, she proceeded to vomit in the bag and then hold it through the ride. Not the most pleasant of trips I can assure you. "What a week!," I whined. I was missing stuff, this is my vacation, my feet hurt, blah, blah, blah, wah, wah, wah.

Why do I tell this story? Very simply for this. I was becoming miserable while enjoying the blessings of God. How foolish! Sure some things were annoying, but I was also seeing some of the best musicians and speakers on the planet. Sure some things were a little off but I was on vacation while the people running the festival were working like wild people (mostly volunteers) to try to make sure I had a good time. But the thing I am most ashamed of was that while I was sitting and whining, God was working and working hard. Sure I missed some stuff, but my Lord was speaking to hearts. Over four thousand people gave their hearts to Jesus this week. while I grumbled.

On Friday I finally woke up, I repented, I prayed for God to use me and work through me and He did. He left me minister, He showed me His power, Hed worked through me. What are you grumbling about today? Don't be stupid like I was. Don't sit around moping while God is hard at work. Don't just sit there do something.

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