
Friday, October 19, 2007

Take Your Temperature
The new Running A.M.O.K. Podcast has just been posted. It's the last(?) message in the series on Jesus' messages to the churches from the book of Revelation. This message to the church in Laodicea is the message to the church in the worst shape of all. They are neither hot for Jesus nor cold to Him, they are simply indifferent and complacent. They are Lukewarm. How's your temperature? Listen the message and check it out for yourself.
http://www.radicallyreal.com and click on the Running A.M.O.K. Podcast button.
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Thursday, October 18, 2007

My Strangest Christmas gift, (A CRY FOR HELP)

A friend of mine on an elist is writing a humor column and was looking for our strangest or dumbest Christmas gifts.

I don't know that I ever got a dumb one. A couple of cute ones when my kids were little, but no dumb ones. I mean when I was a kid the socks and underwear were not all that appreciated but somewhat important none-the-less. What I wish I could get my family to grasp is there was one thing I always wanted when I was a kid and I never got past it. The one thing I would look forward too every year was a plastic model kit. My mom and dad used to get me these gigantic model funny cars. They would take me weeks to build and you know what even if there were much more expensive items under the tree, if I got one of those kits under the tree I was excited. Thing is, I still want them, (no not the big funny cars, they only exist on ebay these days and they go for about a mortgage payment, any kit will do) and my family thinks I am kidding. But here's how I look at it. I am a bivocational pastor, I love my ministry and I like my job, but there are some times when there's nothing quite a de-stressing as painting those little tiny parts and putting them together to look as cool and realistic as possible. I can spend hours painting those parts, listening to Trans Siberian Orchestra and just enjoying my Christmas break and living out the dreams of hot rods I was never mechanical enough to build for real.

My ever practical wife always says, where are you going to put it when you're done with it. I once said "It doesn't matter if I throw it up against the wall and break it into a million pieces when it's done, it was fun and relaxing while I was putting it together, with no mission and no ulterior motive, and sometimes that's enough.

By the way my birthday is in seven days, so if you're still shopping there's a handy gift idea.
Just kidding,
God bless,
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