
Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Did you ever feel like people don't get what you're trying to do for God? Maybe this quote will help:

"My goal is not to keep up with the changing world, but to be standing there waiting for it when it arrives. People are going to need someone to show them the way." --Erwin Raphael McManus--The Unstoppable Force

Check what you're doing against the Word of God, if you are not contrary to the Word, maybe God is positioning you ahead of the curve. Press on and Persevere and use your gifts to serve others and Him.

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Monday, May 03, 2004

Had an awesomely creative week this past week and I give God all the glory for it. He vgave me all these images that really drove the point of my message home. I have a new painting added to my stable of teaching pieces. I call it oddly enough, "The Point." It's not what you would call a fine art piece, it will probably never hang in a gallery and yet it may be one of the most important pieces of my life. It is painted on a full length mirror, it has a close up picture of Jesus on the cross. Above his head is a thought balloon like you would see in your local newspaper's comic pages. That is the only part where the mirror is exposed. The point is simple and hopefully everyone who sees it will get it. When Jesus hung on that cross, you were on His mind. He did it for you (and me)! This is what I love about visual arts in ministry. It can cross language and cultural barriers. A person can look at this piece and get the point without me ever saying a Word. I can't take credit for this piece, one day as I was out on my prayer walk, the whole thing popped into my head. How can you use your gift to spread the Gospel?
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