
Wednesday, May 28, 2003

I am a member of a Christian Comic artists list serve. Cartooning is a passion of mine because it breaks the message down into terms anyone can understand. There is a dispute right now over someone who hasn't paid someone else. The following are my thoughts on art and commerce. It may encourage you, it may anger you, but it's what I've found. Use it for what it's worth.

I spent years getting paid to draw, it's overrated. I mean no disrespect to those who can do it, but for me, it became an idol and it wasn't even close to worth it. Once I got past that and gave my work to the Lord, it became fun again.

Now it's all about the message and ministry and God is blessing me with treasures in heaven and blessings I never expected right here on earth. If all this stuff is stressing you out, and people are ripping you off, maybe God is trying to get your attention. I'm not saying He is, I'm saying explore the possibility. (Believe me I would not have reacted well to this message just a few years ago.) In my case, when I gave up chasing art, God called me to the ministry. He had a purpose for my life I would have never seen if I would have "succeeded" in art. Now he has given me my work back and I use it to communicate the Gospel.

Sometimes, when you remove the commerce from the art, you remove the pressure and you begin to create whether it will sell or not. When this happens, you are freed to be what God made you to be and create what God created you to create. Follow God's lead, do what he made you to do and trust Him to provide you with a way to earn a living. Keep Him number One and look for Romans 8:28 to come into play. Maybe the message will get out and someone will be impacted eternally out of this.

Jesus loves you, He will take care of you.
God bless,
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