
Wednesday, May 07, 2003

OK let's get to some meat!
1 Peter 4:10 says each one should use whatever gifts he has received to serve others... So often I hear people saying that the church has been really inneffective. I believe this verse may hold the key. Are we using all of our gifts or are we focusing on just a few? Basically, it seems that we look up to preachers, teachers and musicians. All these are awesome, but what about the others. 80% of the people in the church or more don't fit into any of these groups. What do they do? Unfortunately, I'm concerned that they become spectators. They show up once a week, get their fill and go home. I really don't fault them. As leaders we need to be identifying gifts in our people and helping them to find a way to minister using their gifts. It's not automatic either. The young adults are not always the best youth workers, the guy who works at the bank will not necessarily be the best treasurer. We've got to get to know people.

Let me tell you my story. I became a Christian at the age of 22. The church wanted to plug me in , so because I was a young male, they made me a trustee. Well the truth is the matter is if you put a hammer or a wrench in my hand, I lose 50 IQ points. I am a mechanical moron. MY time as a trustee was some of the most frustrating time in my life. The pastor found something for me to do. He knew I was an artist, so he asked me if I would consider painting the back drop for the summer VBS skits. I had a ball, I was in my element. I was using my gift to serve the Lord AND the church. I could have fell through the cracks but this pastor helped me find my niche. It gets better. I was terrified by public speaking. Since I was already working on the backdrops for the skits I was asked to take one of the parts. I was resistant but the audience was going to be mainly little kids, so I took a chance. They gave me a goofy costume and I did it and I had fun, this experience started to help me to become more comfortable and God opened more doors. I am in ministry today because someone identified my gift and helped me to stretch and grow.

Find the gifts in your people, no matter what they are and find them a ministry or create one. Help that mechanic do car repairs for people who can't afford it. Help that construction worker use his gifts to help people. Show the people that God has a plan and purpose for their lives. Help them to get beyond their comfort zone and push to the next level.
Just a thought! Go for it.
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