
Friday, September 07, 2007


I've been listening to Nate Sallie lately. I love his stuff, but this lyric really hit me.

Would you please Ruin me For a life ordinary, yeah
All I seek Is a Holy, Covering Moving over me

Asking God to ruin you for an ordinary life? I have to admit at first it sounds a little scary, but wouldn't it be cool? To refuse to live a lackluster, mediocre, wasted life chasing after all the stuff the world will tell you is important. Bowing out of the rat race and living in the divine presence of God. Living out the thing He created you for and being what He created you to be, living a life filled with purpose and meaning, where every second counts. Reaching and touching and lighting the world around you, living a life that makes a difference. That's what I want from my life, how about you?

Understand this though, if you are going to live this out, to be truly ruined for ordinary, is going to require discipline and training. It is going to involve letting the ordinary go. You know what I mean...the stuff that we say is drudgery but yet gives us the comfort of the security of the known. It may mean laying down the comfortable and taking up the unknown. It may mean changing your location or your vocation. It will definitely mean laying down your pride. It will mean laying down your sin. But isn't all that stuff a small price to pay in exchange for living out your purpose.

Let's be clear on something else too. Some of us have to redefine ordinary. Ordinary is the stuff that you think you need, but that God never intended for you in the first place. Ordinary is not that blessed time when you just spend time with the people God has given you to love. There's nothing ordinary about those moments. They are a blessing from God and should be savored not passed over to get to the next thing. Everyone spends their lives trying to grab the next thing and the next success. That's what's ordinary. An extraordinary life is what happens when ordinary people place their ordinary lives in the hands of an extraordinary God. An extraordinary life is life when we step out of what the world tells us is important and step out into the adventure that God has in store.

Lord thank you for your blessings, ruin me for an ordinary life, let me live an extraordinary life and give me the wisdom to know the difference. Thank you Jesus!
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