
Wednesday, October 03, 2007

The Running A.M.O.K. Podcast is Back, Thyatira and Sardis

After some difficulties, the Running A.M.O.K. Podcast is back with two new messages from our series on the seven churches from the book of Revelation. These are messages four and five, the letters to the churches in Thyatira and Sardis.

The message to the church in Thyatira is called The Jezebel Spirit. The church in Thyatira is being misled by a false Prophetess called Jezebel. In this message we look at this Jezebel, the original Jezebel and what happens when spiritual attacks come against the church.

The message to the church in Sardis is called Wake Up! If you thought the church in Thyatira was a mess, Sardis is worse. It's a church that looks like it is alive and thriving but Jesus said it was dead. In every other passage so far Jesus commends the churches for doing something good before he brings them correction. He has nothhing good to commend Sardis for. Jesus message to them is simple wake up and repent or else. This message teaches the believer how to be wake up and be children of light.

To listen to these messages go to http://www.radicallyreal.com and click the Running A.M.O.K. Podcast button or go direct to the podcast at http://runningamok.mypodcast.com

Thanks for listening. If you check it out don't forget to leave a comment.
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