
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Running A.M.O.K. Podcast 6/15/08, Dealing with Failure and Rejection

I'm in the process of reading a great book right now called Thriving as an Artist in the Church by Rory Noland. The book discusses the many issues artists of all disciplines can face and how we should deal with them. Each chapter of the book starts with a scenario then has some questions to answer about it. The chapter then gives some really good biblical advice on dealing with the issue followed by some review questions. It's a great resource for any artistic person wanting to serve God with his or her gifting. As I was working through the questions from the chapter on dealing with failure and rejection, I found myself i some serious self-examination and thought my listeners might benefit from not only hearing my answers but answering the questions for themselves.

Failure and rejection seems to be a fact of life for artists, something that most of us have dealt with or will deal with. The podcast gave my answers to these questions. Check them out and answer them for yourself.

1. What are some examples of unhealthy ways people deal with rejection and failure?
2. Why do you think it’s difficult for Christians to be honest with ourselves and with others when we face life’s disappointments?
3. Are there any areas of disappointment or dissatisfaction in your life these days? If so what are they?
4. Are you aware of anything the Lord might be trying to teach you in the midst of your dissatisfaction? If so, what?
5. Why do you think quitting is such a common reaction to rejection and failure?
6. What do you think life would be like without the arts?
7. What do you think your church would be like without the arts?
8. What can you do this week to “feed the lake?”
9. Can you think of a time in your life when you experienced a setback that, in the end, made you better? What did you learn from that experience?
10. Can you think of a time in your life when God closed a door and soon opened another?

I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts and answers on this. If you'd like to share them with me personally, write me at angelprty1@aol.com or if you'd like to talk it out with a group of people join the AMOK arts elist.

If you'd like to buy the book that started this episode, or get more information on Rory Noland's ministry, go to www.heartoftheartist.com Thanks again to Rory Noland for the use of these questions and for writing a great book.
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