
Monday, June 30, 2008

The Running A.M.O.K. Podcast-6/22/08 Living out Colossians 3:23 as an Artist

This podcast is about living your life to God's glory; a life of service and of balance, a life you can actually enjoy. To really illustrate this message I am attaching it to one of the best examples of this in all of scripture, the prophet Daniel. Join me as I work through these issues and show how Daniel did it right in my message called "Just Because You're Paranoid Doesn't Mean They're Not Out to Get You! (But God still wins).

Also we'll look at an art teacher, named Tim Wallace who is really living this out in a unique way. Follow Tim as he travels the country in his jeep with his faithful dog, Gringo, and in the process sends back stories and pictures and art tips to the students in his art classes.

I have also included a series of questions every artist should as of him/herself to discern whether or not they are living out the principles in this podcast. Here they are:

Is my life in balance?
Am I enjoying my life?
Is God really number one in my life?
Do I realize that God's love for me is not attached to what I do?
Would my family agree that I am in balance?
Would my kids want to follow Jesus based on what Jesus looks like in my life?
What in my life that looks like and obstacle is really a blessing?

Above you can see a step by step series of photos on the painting I created in conjunction with this message. I hope it blesses you.

To hear the podcast go to http://runningamok.mypodcast.com
To go to the A.M.O.K. website go to http://www.radicallyreal.com/amok
To go to the Radically Real Site go to http://www.radicallyreal.com
For a great, creative, music based youth ministry resource, go to http://www.interlinc-online.com
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