
Thursday, September 17, 2009

Thursday September 17, 2009 New Logo for a ministry under consideration writing and more.

After being in New Orleans and seeing how much can be done on a relatively small amount of money, I have come to wonder what I can do to help some of the causes that are near and dear to my heart. I came up with this idea called Art4Change but unfortunately the name was taken. The new idea is called ArtMAD (Art Makes a Difference) Not totally sold on the name yet but the idea behind it is a simple one, I make art on video just like I have been doing except instead of the art hanging on my walls or collecting dust, I auction the pieces off on ebay and donate some of the proceeds to charities like St. Bernard Project, Brethren Disaster Ministries and some other things like Blood Water Mission. In addition I would go places and do art messages and then auction the piece created to support charity. I don't know where this is all headed and I might change the name but that is the general idea. The logo is the creation for the day, though I also did a fair amount of writing this morning for the expanded swine flu project which is actually gathering some steam. Have I mentioned lately how much fun it is to serve the Lord with Art? Well it is.
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