
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Friday October 23, through Monday October 26, 2009 Lots O' Stuff
I'm booked to do arts ministry at two churches on back to back days the first week in December so I've been busily planning those days. It started off Thursday evening with the start of a video based on Van Gogh's Starry Night. I am making some speed painting videos of quick interpretations of classic paintings as part of the presentation. It's not finished, but I am hopeful I'd like to do at least six but we'll see. One of the presentations I will be doing is a cartooning presentation/workshop on angels. I created the above character for the drawing teaching portion of the day. I will not be using this one but it was my main Friday project so I am posting it here. Saturday was devoted to sermon prep for my message entitled Fearless: God's Ticked Off at Me from my series based on Max Lucado's book Fearless. Sunday was International Artist Day and also my Birthday, How cool is that? I christened my new sketch book with a few sketches and wrote a puppet skit for church (The puppet skit is usually the last thing to get written because I try to make it fit with the message.) Monday morning I took the sketches inked them and made them into a Tshirt design and a new New Creaturez booklet which will be posted Thursday at NewCreaturez.com.
Great "When Pigs Fly" t-shirt design!! fun!
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